Josho Brouwers

Josho Brouwers

Josho Brouwers is the editor-in-chief of Ancient World Magazine. He holds an MA and PhD in Mediterranean archaeology, specializing in war, violence, and society in the ancient Aegean. From 2012 to 2023, he served as editor for print magazines and books. Josho now works as a web developer in Vienna.


Displaying items 1 to 12 of 318

Total War: Pharaoh
Total War: Pharaoh
Thoughts on the latest strategy game by Creative Assembly

Josho Brouwers

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Hittite warriors
Hittite warriors
A video produced by Invicta History

Josho Brouwers

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Brutal violence in Homer’s Iliad

Josho Brouwers

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Rules of the Trojan War?
Rules of the Trojan War?
Heralds interceding at nightfall

Josho Brouwers

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Ancient World Magazine lives!
Ancient World Magazine lives!
We’re back, sort of – it’s complicated

Josho Brouwers

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Matriarchy and madness
Matriarchy and madness
A bad take on AegeaNet

Josho Brouwers

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Old World (2021)
Old World (2021)
A deeply flawed historical strategy game

Josho Brouwers

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Africans in Bronze Age Crete?
Africans in Bronze Age Crete?
The “Captain of the Blacks” fresco from Knossos

Josho Brouwers

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Vienna in Roman times

Josho Brouwers

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Competing for olive oil
Competing for olive oil
A Panathenaic prize amphora

Josho Brouwers

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Sacrifice before battle
Sacrifice before battle
An ancient Greek ritual

Josho Brouwers

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Amplitude Studios’s new 4X strategy game

Josho Brouwers

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