
Displaying items 97 to 108 of 122

Uneasy bedfellows
Uneasy bedfellows
Carthage and Athens at the end of the fifth century BC

Joshua R. Hall

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Dionysius the Phocaean
Dionysius the Phocaean
An Archaic pirate

Joshua R. Hall

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Racing: an enduring legacy
Racing: an enduring legacy

Joshua R. Hall

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Greek inspiration for China’s Terracotta Army?
Greek inspiration for China’s Terracotta Army?

Josho Brouwers

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Titan Quest (2006)
Titan Quest (2006)
An action role-playing game

Josho Brouwers

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How Corinthian is the Corinthian helmet?
How Corinthian is the Corinthian helmet?

Josho Brouwers

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The ideal archaeological museum
The ideal archaeological museum
Engaging with the past is key to making museums relevant

Josho Brouwers

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The Athenian tyrant-killers
The Athenian tyrant-killers

Josho Brouwers

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Greeks bearing arms
Greeks bearing arms

Josho Brouwers

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Swords in ancient Greece
Swords in ancient Greece

Josho Brouwers

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The shield of Achilles
The shield of Achilles

Josho Brouwers

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The Egyptian sphinx
The Egyptian sphinx

Josho Brouwers

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